Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 4

Just a brief update tonight (side note - I tried to get online at the hospital today with our laptop to no avail). I missed the doctor's visit today - he made a very brief pop in at 6 am. My inlaws stayed home with Kerensa until after her afternoon nap at which time they brought her to the hospital. That allowed me to get to spend quite a bit of time with Ryan, which was nice. He was awake a lot more today than yesterday. At times he was in good temper, and at other times, he wasn't. This fluctuation tracked pretty well with how long it had been since his last pain medication. His short term memory still seems to be having some misfires, as he didn't remember yesterday's shower or some of his visitors. He is still having difficulty getting around, and they actually ran an x-ray this evening on his right ankle. It might very well not be broken, but it sure is causing him pain (although I don't think it's as much as his head). We won't get the results on that until tomorrow.

Ryan thinks he'll be back at work next week and wants to get out of the hospital asap. I'd like to think that would be the case, but I hope he doesn't get too frustrated if there comes a realization that his recovery will take longer than he hopes.

Thanks again for keeping us in prayer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.I was just checking your blog today and I saw all that is going on with Ryan.I will have your family in my thoughts and prayers.I wish there was something I could do.Sending love and hugs from Ohio.Love,Elizabeth