Head on - with an emphasis on head. Ryan spoke with the driver of the car immediately behind him this weekend who told him he'd had no time to stop and had hit the side of the car like a brick wall. We knew that he'd hit the front of his head because of an abrasion he had where his helmet cut in, but apparently, that was the focus of the main impact. He then must have fallen off to the side, which is where his helmet showed damage. I'm not sure if you can tell anything from this photo or not, but this is his helmet.
The rehab doctor gave him a conditional return to work release last week, and Ryan worked Tuesday through Friday, although he had therapy appointments both Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Ideally, he should have waited a bit longer to go back to work, but sick leave is precious when you are expecting a new member of your family to arrive soon. He found work exhausting, but did a little better today. He has started physical therapy for his ankle, which seems to be helping. He actually has his first follow up with a doctor tomorrow, the rehab doctor that is. I'm not sure exactly when he'll follow up with the neurosurgeon, but that will be soon also.
This weekend we mustered up the energy to clean out a room in our house that we haven't really stepped inside for 2 years. It houses an indoor hot tub and is off our master bedroom. When we bought this house over 4 years ago, it had an extremely old hot tub in there, which we replaced with a smaller more energy efficient one. We used it quite a bit until I got pregnant with Kerensa, and it has been neglected for awhile. With Ryan being so sore, we both knew the hot tub would help somewhat, but neither of us felt up to the cleaning task after work last week. We worked like you could imagine 2 semi-disabled people would work. I could only bend over for so long without feeling nauseous, and Ryan can't really stand that long. Needless to say, we took a lot of breaks. At least we had one little diligent helper. Her newest words are "hot tub," and she got to try it out yesterday. The long and short of it is that Ryan is recuperating, slowly but surely.
So glad to hear that Ryan is doing better. Praying that his recovery will continue.
Oh, wow...those pictures are a little hard to look at, I bet. I'm SO thankful that Ryan was wearing his helmet, and so thankful that he's not only still with us but on the road to full recovery. Hugs to both of you. You are in our prayers!
I'm glad he's able to get around better. Hopefully the hot tub will be good for him. We'll be praying for you both. How long till the baby?
We are so glad to hear that ryan is on a good road to recovery! We love you guys and we will continue to pray for you. Thank you for the update!
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