Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Usually when I update this blog, the words flow freely, but this post hasn't. I actually sat down to write a few days ago and just kept deleting every sentence I typed. I think my problem is that I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because I certainly feel very fortunate and blessed to have Brennan and to spend two months at home with my children. It's just been a big adjustment, though: adjusting to having a newborn again along with a very active toddler and adjusting to being home full time while still keeping abreast of my caseload. As if that weren't enough, I'm even having to do the laundry!

Anyway, we're here; we're alive; and we're making it! I can't wait to see how Ryan does when his turn to be Mr. Mom rolls around. We're fortunate to be able to do this time around what we did with Kerensa, which was that I stayed home for 2 months and then Ryan stayed home for 2 months. I'm thinking he'll find it a bit more difficult this time to get much computer gaming in.

Well, what this post is really all about is to upload photos of some of the cutest kids around. : ) I'm probably the last person on earth to put up Halloween pictures, but you have to see our little mouse trick or treating at the mall (she also dropped in on our neighbors)--

Kerensa captures a wild animal.

Best wishes to all my readers for a Happy Thanksgiving! We're going over the river and through the woods to the grandparents house.


Katrina said...

Great pictures! And you don't sound like you're complaining at all. From my experience, the adjustment from having one to having two is way harder than the adjustment to having one. I hope you're able to get your feet under you soon. I'll be praying for you!

Stephanie said...

It's been a tough year for you guys and it's okay to vent a little on your blog - that's what they are here for right? Well, come March, I'm really going to need your advice on juggling two. Granted, I will be dealing with a preschooler and not a toddler. You have MUCH to give thanks for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Marie said...

I still haven't posted Halloween pictures if it makes you feel better! :) The pictures were so good and it is good to hear how you are doing. I didn't even hear a hint of complaining! Thinking abut you!

Amy said...

I only just posted Halloween pics! Your kiddos are some of the cutest around! I didn't see any complaining...and going from 1 to two is exponential, didn't you know :-)

Anonymous said...

Ack! I still haven't called you back! I seem to do better about checking your blog than talking to you on the phone!!
That's a funny photo of Kerensa with her "wild" animal. Looks like you have your hands full! I'm sure it is a big adjustment. Hope things go well for you, getting back to work.