Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Checking in

We're still here. I don't really have a good explanation for the lengthy delay since my last post. It was a combination of my general haphazard approach to this blog and my decision to read the Twilight series. Those books are hard to put down. While I wouldn't consider that genre my usual cup of tea (hmm, I don't even drink tea), I enjoyed the story. The third book got a bit soap opera like for me and the last book at times seemed like a horror movie, but the writing was compelling. I also liked how each novel was a re-envisioning of a classic.

Anyway, we've been busy. At Brennan's 6 mo check up, he weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces, which means his growth has slowed some. That's just fine for me because he was getting too big too fast! I think during the latter part of 5 months and at 6 months he was having teething pain that interfered with his desire for bottles. There were a few days Lynn couldn't get him to take one. Good thing we had some solids to start on. It took him awhile to decide he liked them, but he finally is downing complete jars! The baby food stage is so fleeting that this time around I'm not nearly as worried about the added grocery expense (I really would like to entertain the idea of making it myself, but when would I do that??). He was sitting up at 6 months, and we got some good professional pics done. I'll have to do a separate post for those. He worked hard at crawling for a few weeks (there's a couple of pics below). He did a combination of an army crawl and a real crawl for about a week before he perfected his technique. It was kind of funny - he would lunge himself forward by his toes and then just sort of drag his legs. Already though he's been pulling himself up on everything! I know it took Kerensa longer before she tried to do that. Not sure if he'll be an early walker or not, but he loves standing and even manages to cruise a bit.

We celebrated Kerensa's 3rd birthday on the 11th. We went to Chuck E Cheese, and she had a blast! I'll have to upload those pics later since I'm so behind in sharing prior ones. I have to amend my prior posts about her counting abilities. At times, she won't even count to 3 right, although it had seemed to me before that she could count to 10. She will sometimes, but other times she seems like she doesn't know which number comes next so she'll guess. I'm assuming this is typical for toddlers. In any event, she is so hilarious! She loves talking on the phone to me now when I'm at work, and I never know what to expect from her. I need to do a better job recording her cuteness!

Well here's some random photos from the last few months. We leave in two days to spend a week and a half with my fam in Ohio, so I'm sure it'll be awhile before my next post.


Katrina said...

Great pictures! We sure miss you guys--we'll have to get together sometimes soon. What does your schedule look like? :)

Cheryl Walker said...

Hey, hope you have a great trip to Ohio! Looks like Kerensa had fun with the egg coloring! :D Hope to talk to you soon.