Saturday, January 29, 2011


Apparently blogging just wasn't in the cards for me for the entirety of 2010. It may not be for 2011 either, but I guess we'll see. The latest on my life is the same as always - the perpetual balancing act between being a mom, wife, and lawyer. Currently, I'm trying to focus on the blessings in my life because I have an abundance. For one, I'm typing this in the middle of the day on a Saturday because Ryan took Kerensa to the grocery store and Brennan is still napping. I looked around and noticed that the dishwasher needed loading and, in general, items should be picked up and put away. I then thought about all the photos on my phone that I really should upload to the computer, so I chose to do that instead, which then lead me here.

So without further adieu, here are a few things in this life that make me happy:

Yum, these are awesome!

So I've realized that I rarely take pics of Ryan - oops! He has a place on this list too!!


Katrina said...

Hi, friend! Wow, the kids have grown so much--they are adorable! (The candy's pretty adorable, too, now that I'm thinking about it...)

MommyDoodle said...

Your children are beautiful! I'm going to borrow your idea of posting what makes me happy, look for that on my blog soon!
